This holiday season, at Hope, we want to help you keep your hope alive in the midst of the busy rush. Join us starting in December for a new message series, special events like our Christmas program, and more. Our goal is to bless our community and bring joy, peace, and hope to all. We’d love for you to be a part of it!
new series starting dec 1:
God’s presence changes everything. In this Christmas series, we’ll explore some of the classic carols sang throughout the years that spring from hearts transformed by Christ’s coming: from the wonder of O Holy Night, the rawness of Away in a Manger, to the invitation of O Come All Ye Faithful. Let’s embrace the truth of Emmanuel, celebrating the God who is with us, now and forever.
Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated? GriefShare’s Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death.
For all ages and stages of womanhood, you'll find a wonderful and special moment during this Christmas time. With lights all aglow and Christmas carols sung with cheer, come to gather with hope as Christmas draws near. We'll savor the joy as we eat and munch, listening to our guest speaker, Gaye Lindfors, during our brunch. There will be a time to be social and chit-chat with friends, and before we know it, it'll come to an end.
Our Kids are putting on a Christmas program during worship! Come join us and invite friends for this fun, interactive Sunday morning experience! Enjoy as the kids boldly sing carols and reenact the Christmas story. Our Hope Kids will be practicing their singing voices and roles every Sunday leading up to the program. And the best part? Any kid can join in at any time – even on the morning of! We can always use another sheep!
After the program, kids will head down to Hope Kids for arts, crafts, games, and more fun, while the church family continues with the Carols message series. |
Fun, Food, Friends, and Christmas! End of the year celebration!